Guest Laura Dvareckas votes me off the island, talks travel and all about this beautiful world.

I met Laura online during a virtual masterclass we were attending. The connection was instantaneous based on the simple fact that we live at the same Army base. She suggested we connect and then the chat function was turned off.

So like any normal person does, I stalked around Facebook until I found her. Luckily, her unique last name was what gave her away. Had she been Laura Smith, I doubt I’d be writing this blog post. Instead it’s Dvareckas (rhymes with Asparagus.) Clever, right?

Laura is a travel agent, former military, and now mother. I couldn’t wait to pick her brain about travel now and in the future. We had way too much fun on this show. Laughter, hysterics, and yes…the very sad moment when I got voted off the island. Check it out.

Today’s Toolkit

With a theme like working on the go we each brought the #1 thing we can’t do without in our on-the-go workbags. I clearly demonstrated the importance of my make-up case turned colorful marker pens bag. As a writer, I do it in colors and in style!

Laura popped up with her wireless mouse. And I was *today* years old when I discovered there was a little space in the battery area to hold the USB connector. Say WHAT?

Selena, our tech guru, pulls out a newfangled Rocketbook. Basically a really cool notebook that I now must have. You write on this thing, then scan a QR code and it sends the page to a bunch of different location options, email, Google Drive, Dropbox…

Then (my favorite part) you wipe it off with water and reuse! For this thrifty environmentally conscientious gal I’m SOLD. Seriously cool.

Getting voted off the island

Today was a Jeopardy-style show. We asked Laura “most beautiful location” and “best family vacation” and then we asked “makes travel easier.”

Travel agent, of course! Laura brought up some great points. First, if you like to plan travel then you should just go ahead and do it! No need to use a travel agent if that’s your thing. The cons? Travel agents have opportunities to weigh discount opportunities to get you the best price and they have insight in areas normal people wouldn’t. Her example…she’ll know if you’ve been booked in the room right underneath the disco dance club on the cruise ship.

And she can change it. Uh, yes please.

My takeaway?

When you use a professional in any capacity you should expect them to have ideas and techniques YOU DIDN’T THINK OF. Laura can do that for you in the world of travel.

I can do that for you in the world of copywriting. Selena can do that for you in the world of website design.

Next Up!

Lisa Miller, Handwritten Aloha

Topic: Versatility: Building a Bigger Box

Date/Time: 27 April, 2020 at 2 PM (CST)

Watch live on NomadAbout’s Facebook Page.

If you want to be on the show or be featured as a #coffeecupsponsor send me a message!

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