Sharita Knobloch, owner and commander of Army Wife Network, is kind of like my boss. You will not believe the hidden resources this woman has at her disposal!

I was excited to have Sharita join us for the coffee chat today. Despite writing as an experience blogger for Army Wife Network, our connection has only been virtual.

Our topic was chosen because of the huge resource Army Wife Network is for military spouses around the world. Thousands of articles and podcasts chronicle the experiences and expert advice that surrounds military life.

Selena found and commented on Sharita’s personal blog when she was a brand new military spouse. Little did she know that 5 years later, Sharita, herself, would be a guest on our 15ish Minute Coffee Chat.

So, how can you both be a resource and best utilize your resources for your business? Watch our 15{ish} Minute Coffee Chat with Sharita Knobloch to find out:

Today’s Toolkit

Sharita’s bio was full of juicy bits for us to choose from to make this Coffee Chat particularly entertaining. The first one was that Sharita overuses hashtags on a regular basis with #NoShame” 

And with that we introduce hashtags as our toolkit for the day!

#Hashtags are used on all social media platforms, but a key component on Instagram. When you use hashtags you are connecting your post to a bigger theme, conversation, or current event.

But, it’s not just that simple. Make sure you look at banned hashtags and dead hashtags. Using them can get you placed in #socialmediajail.

Most importantly, use hashtags as a fun way to communicate and as a means to support your overall business strategy.

Website to check out: IQ Hashtags – check your profile for banned hashtags or check individual hashtags for use.

As I mentioned previously, there were tidbits in Sharita’s biography that could not be ignored! They said so much about her versatility we had to bring them in as part of the script.


Sharita went to prom in an Egyptian-themed duct tape prom dress. We saw this as synonymous with thinking outside the box when confronted with a challenge. There is never just one way to accomplish a task. Finding resources within your circle or being that resource for someone else is a great way to showcase your business, your business, your mission, and your talents.

Do you have a duct tape prom dress moment in your life? Tell me about it!


I have a new dream. Little did I know that I want to be an auctioneer. Sharita’s second biography tidbit was that she is a bonified, certified auctioneer! We tested her skills out by having her auction off the show in just one minute.


We asked Sharita if her experience as an auctioneer applied to the business world. Her answer, “Absolutely!” Making your business, product or service valuable to others is just like an auctioneer’s job to increase the value of an auction item.

How are you making your business more valuable?

Sharita’s wisdom

If you are a military spouse and looking for resources, look no further than Army Wife Network. Sharita sees the value of different talents and resources that help your business grow. She has created a site that brings resources to her clientele that they might not have even realized they needed. It’s a site that builds a network and a community.

15ish Minute Coffee Chat with Sharita Knobloch

Next Up

John Larson, Old Gator Games

Topic: Transition: Journey to Entrepreneurship
Date/Time: Monday, 15 June, 2020 at 10AM CST

15ish Minute Coffee Chat will finish Season 1 with our next guest, John Larson. Season 2 begins July 13, 2020.

Watch live on NomadAbout’s Facebook Page.

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15ish Minute Coffee Chat with Sharita Knobloch